Welcome to the home of KORG Berlin, led by Tatsuya Takahashi.

Our products need to be worth the heat to smelt the ore, the hands in the assembly, the gasoline burnt to carry, the space in your minds and the voice to which it is married.

Book of Designs

36 EUR
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KORG Berlin is a transdisciplinary development team designing new musical instruments. We recognise that releasing a product always has societal, cultural, economical and environmental impact.

Our goal is to be positive in every one of them.

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Kids' Sweater

42 EUR
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MeetAnna,Fabian,Iarla,Luca,Lukas,Rachel,Samantha,Tats,Tom andVerena.

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Running out of ideas to feed yourself with? Download The Pyjama Cookbook for free!

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

At KORG Berlin, we strongly believe that respectful collaboration is a key factor for achieving both our personal and business goals. This includes collaboration within the team, with partners, and the planet. All underlying Codes of Ethics apply to our decisions and actions in our everyday working lives and beyond.


We value working with people from all walks of life, regardless of one’s: gender, age, ethnic background or nationality, disability, religion and political beliefs, education, sexual orientation, mental and physical ability. We embrace the differences and uniqueness of each individual who passes through our physical or digital doors. All people will be treated with respect, courtesy, and fairness. We deeply care about the feelings and perspectives of each individual.

Discrimination and Harassment

Direct or indirect discrimination and harassment through verbal, emotional, sexual, or physical means (e.g. bullying, abuse of power, sexual aggression, physical violence or favouritism) will under no circumstances be tolerated. Should any cases of discrimination or harassment occur, we are strongly committed to addressing, acting, and drawing consequences for each situation presented. To do so, this may mean we need your help and cooperation. Victimisation of any persons who come forward will not be accepted. We always believe the account of the victim(s) and stand with them in solidarity.

Integrity, Honesty, Professionalism

Towards our team and in our business relationships we are straightforward, transparent, and honest. We address criticism and differences of opinion and handle them constructively, hoping to foster an environment in which we all feel comfortable speaking up. Every employee is required to respect the confidentiality and personal privacy of each team member, as well as the work conducted in the office.

Responsibility to Society

At KORG Berlin, we recognize our ethical obligation to planet earth and all its living creatures, for now and for future generations. We aim to associate with partners that share the same principles, select suppliers with responsible supply chains, and constantly strive to improve our socio-ethical and environmental processes and perspectives.


Berlin, in April 2023

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